You Need A Coach

You Need A Coach

Years ago, I had the opportunity to get to know an incredible man, Dale Brown, the legendary head basketball coach of the LSU Tigers. To say this man impacted my life would be an understatement of the highest degree. If you ever doubt his impact on people, just Google search his story and read comments from his former players, especially Shaquille O'Neal.

The Sponsor a Senior Program

The Sponsor a Senior Program

"What if we created a special sponsorship program that encouraged individuals and companies to Sponsor A Graduating Senior or a Senior Class by purchasing the book, It All Matters as a contribution to their future?” How many young people could we impact? My Goal is 50,000 Points Of Impact.

Moments that Matter

Moments that Matter

Have you ever had one of those "aha" moments in your life where clarity was immediate? I have had many moments like this over the last three decades as an entrepreneur, teacher, and parent. I wanted to share a personal experience with you that deeply influenced the content of my soon to be released book, It All Matters.

Overcoming Adversity Part II

Overcoming Adversity Part II

How do you view and react to adversity in your life? In Part 1 of our series on Overcoming Adversity, we discussed the importance of responding to adversity instead of reacting to it and provided a mental checklist for leaders to keep adversity in check. In part 2, it is now critical to discuss the importance of time and distance and the ripple effect.

The Sophisticated Beggar

The Sophisticated Beggar

During a business trip to Edmonton, I encountered someone who made an indelible impression on me. In fact, he captured my attention, made me laugh, and he even closed the master closer. He did all of this in a matter of minutes by following several basic selling principles.

The Power of Research

The Power of Research

One of the truisms about life today is that we have unlimited resources to expand our knowledge. We are a simple topical search away from learning something new at any given moment. Are you taking advantage of this opportunity on a regular basis?

Jump for Joy

Jump for Joy

Ok - this blog post isn't a serious collection of words designed to make you have a moment of deep reflection. In fact, I am not even certain it was written to foster any semblance of deeper understanding. I know for certain I didn't have any key steps to follow in my mind when I sat down to write. I simply had a thought that I had to share, and I hope it produces a few moments of fun and joy for my readers.