Wake Up Call for Sales Professionals

Have you noticed yourself becoming increasingly frustrated when you look at your paychecks? Okay, I'm here to give a reality check for sales professionals! Are you ready for a wake-up call? Are you willing to listen? Are you willing to be brutally honest with yourself? Here's why I'm asking. These questions are full-on, a frontal assault on you and your career opportunity.

Average or World-Class?

If you are one of those people who joined the business to try it out or you're a person who thinks they might want to be in sales, these questions are probably not for you. If being average is okay, and it doesn't drive you mad to miss a goal, these questions are probably not for you either. If being a "middle-of-the-pack-performer-running-under-the-radar" is your mantra, these questions are definitely not for you. In fact, if any of these questions apply to you, feel free to stop reading and continue to be mediocre. If you keep doing what you're doing, blend in with the other pretenders.


Did you wake up ready with your soul on fire? Were you up to see the sun come up already thinking about who you could close today? Are you consumed with the desire to win? Do you have dreams that energize your soul and engage your spirit? Are you a highly-energized, driven sales professional who wants to achieve crazy results? Are you on fire with a passion to be the best at what you do? If this is you I am describing, these questions are for you.

"He/she who see most, make most - always." ~ Sales Proverb, author unknown

The Numbers Game:

How many people do you have in your sales funnel currently?

How much time do you spend daily prospecting to expand your funnel?

Do you ask every person, whether they buy or not, for referrals?

Do you follow up continuously with your existing customer base?

Does your percentage of repeat business increase every year?

Are you well-known in your market?

Do people consider you an expert in your field?

Has your income grown a minimum of 15% annually since you joined the business of sales?

Do you have a digital marketing strategy?

Do you have a blog?

Do you practice to develop your skills daily?

Do you have a coach and mentor?

In Closing

You can't run or hide from your answers. You either are or are not hustling to be world-class and highly paid. Decide who and what you want to be. If you aren't consumed and driven by winning, you will need to settle for losing. Sales is a business that weeds out the pretenders, the haters, and the mediocrity-seeking-wannabes and says, “this isn't for you.”

Sales has been very good to me because I respected the art form and effort required.

Hope the questions kicked you in the teeth...now spit them out and get closing!

Make a difference today,


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How can you live a life of real intention and purpose instead of duty and obligation? It All Matters offers one hundred and twenty-five life-changing strategies to inspire you and help you to develop your skill sets, build more knowledge, improve your attitude, and develop work habits that truly pay off. When you read It All Matters, you join me as your personal coach. I'll ask you questions that challenge you to find your "It"...inspire you to define your "All"... and encourage you to begin your journey towards greatness so that you can determine what truly “Matters.”

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Copyright 2017: Paul Cummings Enterprises.

Photo credit: Colin_K CC BY