Life is a Gift

It's About Time

We are only here for a blink in the actual span of time. Think of all the great people who are no longer with us: people we knew and people we admired from afar. We thought these people would always be here, but then they are gone in an instant: David Bowie, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, and Glenn Frey to name a few.

I wonder if they ever truly realized that their life was a gift. We will never know, but I do know it's about time we started living that way.

Life Is a Gift

When you think of life as a true gift, it dramatically changes your perspective. What if the only measurements of progress on your journey were the moments of genuine joy you experienced? How are you doing based on those measurements? What if you were only judged by the number of smiles you received and gave to others freely? How are you doing?

Why So Serious?

Have you sold out to your own pursuit of success? Have you buried your personal happiness under the project files on your desk? Have you lost all sense of what's really important while seeking the approval and acceptance of others? Have you let your pursuit of success control your journey? Have you placed your self under undue stress by over-obligating yourself to prove yourself valuable in the workplace? If your answers are “yes,” you definitely need to evaluate your perspective.

Fun It Up!

So what is the secret to a better and more fulfilling journey? It's about letting go to grow. It's about not letting the pursuit of "stuff" rob you from what really matters most. It's about your personal happiness.

"It's easier to happily achieve than it is to achieve so you can be happy."

How do we turn this idea into a way of life? Slow down and reflect on what makes you happy. What brings you joy? What makes you cherish a moment? What makes you feel alive? What brings laughter to your relationships? All of this gets easier when you make a congruent and commuted decision to wake the fun up in your life.

It's time to fun it up for a change. Try it, and watch what happens. I promise you, when you are having fun and loving life, everything you do gets easier and more fulfilling. You will find yourself living as your best self consistently.

Make a difference today. 

Paul Cummings

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How can you live a life of real intention and purpose instead of duty and obligation? It All Matters offers one hundred and twenty-five life-changing strategies to inspire you and help you to develop your skill sets, build more knowledge, improve your attitude, and develop work habits that truly pay off. When you read It All Matters, you join me as your personal coach. I'll ask you questions that challenge you to find your "It"...inspire you to define your "All"... and encourage you to begin your journey towards greatness so that you can determine what truly “Matters.”

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Copyright 2017: Paul Cummings Enterprises.

Photo credit: Colin_K CC BY