How to Lead Your Team with Confidence

Are you experiencing more fears the older that you get? Is your lack of confidence somehow hindering your success? This is a very dangerous place to be. Having low self-confidence will completely rob you of all of your personal power.

As a leader, it's important to display true confidence in yourself and in your team. Realistic expectations are crucial. In fact, some great advice that I have received is, “Fail more often, rapidly.” Failure doesn’t mean you or the team member, who has somehow failed, is a "failure" – it simply means something didn’t work out. In fact, what it really means is that you were willing to take action and try and do something. When you allow yourself and your team members the room for "risk-taking", without the fear of failure, you will actually lower their anxiety and increase their confidence.

Not everyone is going to feel confident at all times, but confidence is just like any other muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Take action to improve your own confidence, and provide opportunities for others to increase their confidence while they are under your leadership. The way you start your day will play a major role in the success of your day. Getting up early will help you to prepare yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Preparation goes a long way towards building confidence, and you are in total control of the way that you prepare. In my new book, It All Matters, I devote an entire section of the book to the strategies that will help you operate with maximum confidence because I truly believe that mastering this concept is so crucial to your success.

Are you encouraging confidence and growth in your team members? 

You can start by asking them these great questions.      

  1. Do you truly believe you can take more risks in your career? What risks would you be willing to take, and what dreams do you have for yourself?
  2. Are you thinking about your goals and dreams with positive expectancy every day? Would you be willing to work harder every day to achieve them? What results do you think that you could you produce?
  3. What one dream would you dare to dream if you knew that you could not fail?  

I love asking these kinds of simple, yet thought-provoking questions to make you think differently. Positive and empowering questions will open the vault to all your uniquely powerful beliefs. Great questions have the power to change your direction and alter your destiny. John Maxwell said, "When the leader lacks confidence, the followers lack commitment." This is so incredibly true in the business world. Take the time today to stretch your own "confidence muscle" by asking great high-quality questions and encouraging others to follow your lead. When you do this, watch your team member's confidence soar to new levels. Great questions will make you stop and think…and make you search for great answers. Those answers will fuel your confidence and allow you to lead others to greater levels of success because in the end…IT ALL MATTERS.

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Copyright 2017: Paul Cummings Enterprises.

Photo credit: Colin_K CC BY